Effortlessly sandbox ANY REST API
on local dev environment

Imagine all the possibilities when you can bring ANY


Apidojo is built on this simple yet very powerful idea: sandboxing ANY API provider within a local dev machine, WHY?

Every API service provider in the market already expose a public documentations and offer sandbox environments, yet working with APIs is not a smooth user experience from engineers and integrators perspective. WHY?

APIs and cloud sandboxes are blackboxes
API mocks are not enough, we are instead interested in ways APIs can be composed and orchestrated.
API endpoint state matters more than data and schemas
You want your work to be driven by your ideas and thoughts, not by a distant API constraints
Context is important: we are contextual beings
You need full control of your work
80% of the real work is done on your dev machine
You want to document your journey about the way you interacted with the APIs
What we really want is that ANY API from ANY provider can be sandboxed within OUR dev machines, transparently.

THEN: Apidojo

SUPERCHARGE your productivity in a few STEPS
STEP 1: define the API endpoints you are dealing with from ANY API providers
Apidojo usage STEP 1: define the API endpoints you are dealing with from ANY API providers
STEP 2: design all scenarios and sequences in a sandbox
-> sandbox definitions are shared with other people of your team/organization depending on visibility settings

Then activate specific sequences and scenarios, expose the sandbox in a specific port
-> sandbox CLI dev instances and sequences/scenario activations on the platform are specific for each individual user
Apidojo usage STEP 2: design all scenarios and sequences in a sandbox, activate specific sequences and scenarios, then expose the whole stuff in a specific port
STEP 3: Install the CLI app, sync with the platform and lanch on your development machine
Apidojo usage STEP 3: Install the CLI app, sync with the platform and lanch on your development machine
STEP 4: call the endpoints from the code you are crafting with http(s)://{{api-provider-domain}}.local URL (this can be from your iOS/Android app code, your React/Vue/... project, your backend API integration code, or just simply from the shell like in the example below...). Switch in real time between sequences and scenarios from within the platform to simulate real world features.
Apidojo usage STEP 4: call the endpoints from the code you are crafting, switch in real time between sequences and scenarios from the platform to simulate real world features
STEP 5: log the sequences calls from the platform, clear & rewind the sequences whenever repeat is needed. No complex sandbox data to reseed or recreate, and that as many times as you need.
Apidojo usage STEP 4: log the sequences calls from the platform, clear & rewind the sequences whenever repeat is needed

ALL possibilities will be within your reach

Live/Sandbox -> Local
API-related development accelerated, work with your favorite API providers with unlimited freedom of action, no cloud setup, no external constraints or peers interference.
Local -> Sandbox/Live
Prototype your APIs and clients/SDKs with ease like you never did before. Build and test complex API scenarios in minutes instead of days.
Local x Team
Decouple cross-team and inter-individuals workflows. Anyone in the team can spawn as much as sandboxes as he/she desires, unlocking unprecedent idea generation at the speed of thoughts: no time and resources spent in setting up and maintaining remote sandbox environments, no overlaps with each others.
Local x API services
You can design, test, play and build on top of any complex scenarios involving just one or many API services, as close as the real world scenarios, but available right there at your fingertips. No N remote setup, just in 1 place: your development machine.

Start this great journey today, choose your plan

7-14 days trial FREE access, no payment required

Wherever you are, we empower teams globally

Discover the HAPPY way of dealing with APIs

5 Users*

1 Project*

OpenAPI import

Platform sandboxes

In-platform documentation

In-platform technical support

In-platform team collaboration

Onboarding & Setup full assistance

7 DAYS FREE trial

99 US$ for 1 year access

Monthly, quarterly or yearly payment**

Save TIME and RESOURCES. Unlock your engineering workflow when working with APIs

Unlimited Projects

Unlimited Users and Teams

In-platform engineering advisory

Extended team collaboration workflows

Sandbox to API BridgeBeta

Composite API builderBeta

Batch/Agregated API builderBeta

Webhooks and TriggersBeta

14 DAYS FREE trial

199 US$ per month

Monthly, quarterly or yearly payment**

API Business
Accelerate your API adoption and reduce frictions when your API is used in the wild. Provide a stress-free experience to your API consumers and strategic partners

Provide them FREE access on the Apidojo platform: to boost ther productivity when dealing with your APIs

Deploy Apidojo Widgets with your API documentation, prototype SDKs, inquire custom development

API Field Engineering: we at Apidojo take care of backing your smooth platform operations

Partners Tech Program: we facilitate continuous information exchange between your core engineering team and your API consumers

* STARTER subscribers can extend their plan gradually with STARTER-XT, for additional projects and users, from inside the platform.
** The quarterly/yearly upfront payments mode are offered at a discount between 15% and 25% compared to the base monthly cycle. Check that in the platform.
And for anything specific, like onboarding help-setup-demo, ideas-questions or interest, feel free to contact us at
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