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APIs are blackboxesFoundation series - Tenet 1

APIs are meant to conceal details, that's the contract an API provider and an API consumer implicitly make. However there's an important point to be made clear here: an API is about concealing IMPLEMENTATION details. And this is where all the practical issues origin; because most of the time, it implicitly hides, not only implementation, but everything else for the API consumer.

Here's the point: while an API hides implementation details, it must be TRANSPARENT regarding its BEHAVIOR.

And this is the main issue that Apidojo platform brings the solution: make it easy for API consumers to discover, understand and play with the behavior of any API they work with. When you understand how an endpoint behaves under a given circumstance, the power is on your side, because you can safely design solutions on top of them, rather than doing the guess work all along the project and catching errors and bugs on production.

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