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Cloud sandboxes are blackboxes, you need full control of your workFoundation series - Tenet 6

You are in control, and you should be all the time.

In the context of working with APIs, getting access to cloud-based sandboxes is just a partial solution. At best it only allows you have your isolated test and play data. But that is not addressing the issues we mentioned previously: a cloud sandbox is still a back box.

Even a bit worse, cloud based sandboxes are shared, leading to another type of difficulties: coordination. Team members need to make sure to not overstep each other, conventions are to be put in place to ensure smooth operations.

And obviously, cloud based sandboxes are not free, they cost resources to set up, they cost resources to be maintained, they cost resources to be used.

One last major point, cloud sandboxes are DATA DRIVEN: which means they behave in a certain way depending of the data you create there. So to test some non-idempotent API behaviours, you are altering the sandbox data, then potentially creating some side effects in a future expected behaviour. And again, dealing with a black box in these circumstances in not easy.

Apidojo on the other side, and we believe our side is greener, is letting you to embrace STATE driven sandboxes.

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